
Hnc Fashion Business

The unit includes business applications relevant to the fashion industry including gaining a competitive advantage; project management; market research; marketing and branding; the business planning process and creating a business plan. Some jobs, such as retail management, are open to graduates from any degree discipline. This is because fashion degrees are very industry-specific and aren’t as transferable to a range of careers as degrees such as history, business and English are. ‘Top up’ your existing qualifications for a full BA degree on our one-year International Tourism Business Management course. Sharpen your existing business management skills for the tourism sector and apply your learning by working on live industry projects. Want to study the education field at university but don’t yet meet the entry requirements for higher level courses? This diploma provides a stepping stone towards future careers in teaching and education, introducing you to key concepts in this secto...

Fashion & Textiles

There are fee implications if a student chooses to undertake a placement. A degree typically comprises 360 credits, a DipHE 240 credits, a CertHE 120 credits, and an integrated masters 480 credits. The tuition fee for the placement year for those courses that offer this option is £1,850, subject to inflationary increases based on government  graphics games policy and providing you progress through the course in the normal timeframe . The tuition fee for the study year abroad for those courses that offer this option is £1,385, subject to inflationary increases based on government policy and providing you progress through the course in the normal timeframe . English & Human Resource Management Ba Joint Hons If students wish to print more, printer credit can be topped up by the student. The University and Student Union are champions of sustainability and we ask all our students to codecoda consider the environmental impact before printing. Our Reprographics team also offer p...